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Stay On The Look Out


| Feb 27, 2015
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Stay On The Look Out

By Keith Happ, Senior Agronomist
June 3, 2008

We have had reports of significant Hyperodes Weevil (ABW) populations moving into edges of greens, collars, and fairways. Several superintendents in the western PA area have been scouting and reporting that adults have been traversing their courses. This movement has been noticed despite earlier applications of pyrethroid insecticides. In the western portion of the region we are in between applications to control surface activity. Be aware that these insect populations will not be controlled with a single application. While significant numbers may have succumbed to the initial treatment many more may scurry back to the interior of the property to continue their life cycle. Scouting is essential to determine if additional control is necessary.

Test kits have been used in the western portion of the Mid-Atlantic Region to examine ABW's potential resistance to pyrethroid insecticides. These test kits were supplied by Dr. Rich Cowles, researcher from University of Connecticut. We hope to have information by the end of the summer regarding resistance issues. It is still a good idea to alternate chemistries to control these insects.

The latest information on the curative control of the ABW is supplied by Dr. Pat Vittum, University of Massachusetts' Extension Turf Program. She states, "where larvae have reached the medium size and have left the stem, should get some relief by applying trichlorfon (Dylox TM ) or indoxacarb (Provaunt TM ) or spinosad (Conserve TM )."

Turf Advisory Service visits have provided evidence that Poa annua flowering has subsided and a more uniform growth pattern is now occurring. The various Poa annua biotypes are exhibiting much more uniform growth, which in turn is resulting in improved ball roll. During the spring many superintendents were pressured to implement tactics that were focused on a short term result. While vertical mowing and aggressive grooming will improve ball roll, it could create wounds that further weaken an already weak plant. As we go into the summer it is important to develop a fertility regime that sustains growth and maximizes the plant's natural defense mechanisms. Research has shown, for example, that anthracnose is a lownitrogendisease . Healthy turf is the first line of defense.

Always remember that the Mid-Atlantic Region agronomists are part of your agronomic support team. If you have a question or concern, give us a call or send an e-mail: Stan Zontek ( ) or Darin Bevard ( ) at 610/ 558-9066 or Keith Happ ( ) at 412/ 341-5922.