!decision-09 false AWAITING REINSTATEMENT AWAITING REINSTATEMENT 9-2/1 Reinstatement Procedure A player requesting reinstatement to Amateur Status should follow the application process for the Governing Body of the country in which he resides. PERIOD AWAITING REINSTATEMENT 9-2b/1 Applicant for Reinstatement Worked as Professional Golfer During Summer Only Q. An applicant for reinstatement worked as an assistant professional or professional golfer from June to August for five consecutive years. He did not breach the Rules in between these periods each year. How long is he considered to be in breach of the Rules? A. The applicant is considered to have been in breach of the Rules from the June of the first year to the August of the fifth year, a period of just over five years, resulting in a two year period awaiting reinstatement. (Revised) 9-2b/2 Playing Extensively for Prize Money Q. Following the guidelines detailed in Rule 9-2b on periods awaiting reinstatement, the period may be extended if the applicant has played extensively for prize money regardless of performance. What guidelines should a Committee of a Governing Body follow in assessing each case? A. Each case should be treated on its own merits. As a guideline, an applicant may be considered to have played extensively for prize money if he has played for prize money for more than an average of two events per month during his professional golf career when he devoted himself to tournament play for more than six months. However, the Governing Body should also take into account a number of other factors including, but not limited to: (a) the tour schedule and the duration of the "off season," and, if applicable, (b) the length of time that has passed since the player played extensively for prize money. In the event that a Committee determines that a player has played extensively for prize money the following periods awaiting reinstatement may be applied: Period of Breach: under 5 years 5 years or more Period Awaiting Reinstatement: 2 years 3 years 9-2b/3 Guidelines for Young Players Some young players, having turned professional, reconsider their decision after a short time. It is recommended that sympathetic consideration should be given to players who are 21 years or under on the date of application for reinstatement to Amateur Status and who have spent less than a year as a professional golfer. In such cases, the period awaiting reinstatement should be equal to the time spent as a professional, e.g., 4 months as a professional golfer should result in a 4 month period awaiting reinstatement. However, irrespective of the length of time spent as a professional, the player should serve a period awaiting reinstatement of at least 3 months. 9-2b/4 Guidelines for Breaches of Rules Not Relating to Professionalism Rule 9-2b(ii) provides that a period awaiting reinstatement of one year will normally be applied to an applicant awaiting reinstatement for breaches of the Rules not relating to Professionalism. However, the Rule also provides that the period may be extended if the breach is considered serious. In accordance with the Rule, it is the USGA's policy to apply the following guidelines to breaches of the Rules relating to the acceptance of an improper prize or the receipt of unauthorized expenses: Value of Prize ($) 751 - 7500 7501 + Period Awaiting Reinstatement 1 year 2 years Non-Approved Expenses ($) Up to 7500 7501 + Period Awaiting Reinstatement 1 year 2 years (New) STATUS WHILE AWAITING REINSTATEMENT 9-2e/1 Applicant Awaiting Reinstatement Wishes to Compete in Events Organized by Golf Society Q. Rule 9-2e provides that an individual awaiting reinstatement may enter competitions solely among members of a Club at which he is a member, subject to the approval of the Club. If the individual is a member of a Golf Society related to his occupation, for example, a police or bank Golf Society, may he compete in inter-Society matches or competitions organized by the Society? A. Such a Society would come within the meaning of Club in Rule 9-2e. Therefore, the individual may compete provided: (a) the Society is confined to persons in the same occupation; or (b) any individual branch of the Society involved in a match or competition gives its approval. The individual would not be able to represent the Society in a match against another Society unless the approval of the Societies in the competition and/or the organizing Committee is given. 9-2e/2 Prize Limits for Applicants Awaiting Reinstatement Q. Although Rule 9-2e provides that an applicant awaiting reinstatement participating in a competition not limited to amateur golfers must not play golf for prize money and must not accept any prize reserved for an amateur golfer, may the applicant accept any other prize in the competition? A. Yes. An applicant awaiting reinstatement may accept a prize not exceeding the retail value prescribed in Rule 3-2a, or a hole-in-one prize (achieved under the specifications of Rule 3-2b), provided in both cases the prize is not reserved for amateur golfers only. (Revised) 9-2e/3 Applicant Awaiting Reinstatement Wishes to Enter Competition Due to Take Place After Reinstatement Q. An applicant awaiting reinstatement wishes to enter an amateur competition which will take place after he is eligible for reinstatement to Amateur Status. Is it appropriate for the Committee in charge of the competition to accept such an entry? A. It is a matter for the Committee in charge of the competition to determine eligibility to enter. If the Committee decides to accept an application from a golfer awaiting reinstatement to Amateur Status to a competition limited to amateur golfers, it should ensure that the golfer's Amateur Status has been reinstated prior to the start of the competition, including any qualifying rounds. Decision Relating to Rule 9-2: 2-1/6 Former Golf Professional Wishes to Run Retail Golf Shop and Join Golf Club 9-3/1 Applicant for Reinstatement Provides False or Incomplete Information If an applicant for reinstatement provides false or intentionally incomplete information in an application, the Committee may refuse consideration of the application for an indefinite period of time. (New) Decision Relating to Rule 9-4: 8-3/1 Appeals Procedures