USGA Rules of Golf Home
USGA Rules of Golf Home
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The Rules of GolfExplore the Rules of Golf, Clarifications, Model Local Rules, and more!
Additional ClarificationsView the Additional Clarifications of the 2023 Rules of Golf.
2023 Rules ResourcesAll you need to know about the 2023 Rules changes!
Rules PublicationsOrder the Rules of Golf, the Official Guide, and more.
Modified RulesLearn more about Rule 25 - Modifications for Players with Disabilities.
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Rules EducationEducational resources to help you learn more about the Rules.
*NEW* Rules 101Take this FREE online course to learn the basics about the Rules that every golfer should know!
USGA Virtual Rules SchoolA deep dive into the Rules providing nearly 20 hours of video content!
Rules WorkshopsAttend an in-person or a virtual Rules workshop.
Ask a Rules QuestionContact our experts with any Rules-related questions.
Rules Explained VideosVideo series covering the most common Rules.
Other Rules Resources
Amateur StatusKey resources about the Rules of Amateur Status.
COVID-19 GuidanceRules and Handicapping guidance during COVID-19 era.
Las Reglas en EspañolApoyos Para el Estudio de las Reglas en Español.
History of the RulesExplore the history of the Rules of Golf from 1744 to today.
Green-Reading MaterialsResources on the use of green-reading materials.
Additional ResourcesMore resources on the Rules of Golf!