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Another Ball Interferes With Your Play
Q. Another ball interferes with my play – what are my options?
Ball in Temporary Water in General Area
Q. My ball is in a fairway in a puddle of water (temporary water) – what are my options?
Can't Find Ball You Think is Embedded
Q. I think my ball is stuck in the ground, but I can’t find it – how do I proceed?
Interference from Boundary Objects
Q. I have interference from an out of bounds fence, stake or wall – what are my options?
Interference from Immovable Obstructions
Q. I have interference from a cart path, sprinkler head or other artificial object (immovable obstruction) – what are my options?
Q. I can’t find my ball after searching for three minutes – what are my options?
Relief for Ball in Ground Under Repair
Q. My ball is in ground under repair – what are my options?
Q. My ball is stuck in the ground (embedded) – what are my options?
Relief Options for Unplayable Ball
Q. I don’t think I can play my ball as it lies (unplayable) – what are my options?
Removing an Out of Bounds Stake
Q. May I remove an out of bounds stake?