Most facilities in the northern half of the Central Region have already closed their grass practice tee for the year or the date is fast approaching. The increase in the number of rounds played at many facilities this year resulted in more divoting than typical. When a warm spell is experienced this offseason, or for those willing to brave the cold, golfers should keep all practice on the artificial mats until the grass tee is reopened in the spring, no matter how enticing the pristine turf that is only few steps away appears.
If the turf on the driving range tee were priced like real estate, the back of the tee would be oceanfront property. This area of the tee is often saved for special events at facilities so the best possible conditions are presented when it is put in play. While the next event is likely several months away, divots that are taken when the turf is dormant will not recover until growth resumes next spring.
Golfers can do their part to keep the grass tee in good condition by following guidelines directing practice from artificial mats when it is closed.
Central Region Agronomists:
John Daniels, agronomist –
Zach Nicoludis, agronomist –