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This article, originally published in 2009, was compiled with insights from regional agronomists around the country. The original article can be referenced here.

The current economic recession has touched all parts of the golf industry. Golf course superintendents have not been immune from the reality and implications that forecasted revenues and rounds of golf are down at most golf facilities. There may be exceptions, but the rule is that most superintendents are studying ways to do more with less.



  • Contact the local electricity provider and schedule a commercial audit for the maintenance facility and clubhouse.
  • Evaluate the golf cart charging protocol and be sure it is the most costeffective way to charge the golf carts. 
  • Be sure to apply to the IRS to claim the Off Road Fuel Tax Credit for unleaded gasoline used in golf course equipment. 
  • Install motion-activated light switches in restrooms and the break room. 
  • Keep the maintenance facility two degrees warmer in summer and two degrees cooler in winter. 
  • Evaluate the number of phone lines entering the clubhouse and maintenance facility. Reduce if possible. 
  • Modify uniform service. Consider purchasing two pairs of pants and shorts each year for employees. Install a washing machine and dryer in the maintenance facility. 
  • Do not provide Styrofoam cups in the break room. Buy each employee a thermal mug - one time only. 
  • Study the most effective way to store equipment to minimize time spent in the morning getting equipment ready to go. 
  • Use perennial plant materials at the clubhouse.



Recessions are difficult, but not permanent. They give rise to new ways of operating and take all of us out of our comfort zone. Being forced to consider ways of keeping the bar at the same level instead of raising the bar requires a different mindset. As we move from tough times to more prosperous ones, golf course superintendents and course officials will be better off for the experience. Now and in the future, the USGA Green Section remains committed to staying up to date and providing cutting-edge information to all who seek it.