In 2018, the treatment series that produced the better first-year results (see TS4, TS7 and TS8) were also applied on infested turf which did not receive any products in 2017. This was done to corroborate whether the best-performing treatment series would indeed produce low pearl scale counts repeatedly. In this case again, applying Divanem as the first product led to slightly greater pearl counts, when compared to the other two treatment sequences that started with either Ference or Zylam.
Most importantly, when applied over the same turf plots for two years (2017 and 2018) the treatment sequences TS4+4, TS7+7 and TS8+8 resulted in only one or two pearls per plot in the fall of 2018 (Table 3). Again, these treatment sequences keyed on rotations of Zylam, Divanem, and Ference (Tables 2, 3). Replicated untreated control plots averaged 95 and 167 pearls per plot in 2017 and 2018, respectively, showing that pest pressure was robust and that the chemical effects were real. It remains to be determined what the result would be from other treatment series such as Ference only, Ference followed by Zylam, Zylam only, or Zylam followed by Ference only.
Note that in 2017, greens core plugs were sampled and hand screened on four dates from May through June to ascertain when the ground pearls had changed from the cream-colored, encysted pearl form to the pink female form. On May 26, 2017, female scales constituted 90% of the sampled population – 10% were still encysted pearls. The application date was initiated corresponding to these findings, to which AZMET weather data showed a heat unit cumulative total of 1750 heat units using the 55/85 Fahrenheit model. These same units were used to schedule the first application made in 2018.
Summary of Preliminary Findings:
1. Under semiarid conditions, pearl scale populations were drastically reduced when select insecticides were applied once only, followed by other products also applied once only (defined as a unique treatment series). In 2017, six products were applied over a 21-day period. In 2018, three products were rotated over a 10-day application window.
2. Ference (also sold as Mainstay), Divanem (same active ingredient as former Avid product) and Zylam, when applied as single products in closely spaced concurrent applications, essentially eliminated ground pearl cysts from ‘328 Tifgreen’ bermudagrass turf when these products were applied to the same turf surfaces for two years in a row via defined treatment sequence application programs.
3. Initial applications of the first product in the treatment sequence should be made when the majority of the pest population exists as non-encysted, pink-colored females. Timing applications according to this standard was achieved by correlating specific AZMET accumulated heat unit values when the pest population consisted of over 90% non-encased, naked pink females. This occurred at 1750 accumulative AZMET heat units for the 85/55 Fahrenheit plant growth model. If treating for pearl scale in locations not applicable to AZMET data, it is critical to determine the best time to begin an insecticide program based on multiple soil core sampling across multiple dates, starting in the late spring when temperatures begin to increase and soil temperatures rise.
Click here to access the AZMET data. Select Data Archive and choose the nearest weather station to your location. Under the Special Report column, select Heat Units and observe the accumulated heat units in the 86/55 F column.
4. There is limited peer-reviewed research on pearl scales, and this preliminary research provides practitioners with helpful information on how to manage these pests. However, more research is needed to fully understand the complexities of pearl scales.