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While turf may not be growing at this time of year, a prolonged dry stretch could still be detrimental to turf health. Sod that was installed late in 2021 is particularly vulnerable to damage from desiccation. With irrigation systems winterized and unavailable at many courses, watering sod in need of a drink can be a challenge.

If relatively small areas of sod need water, a sprayer is often the go-to method for rehydrating turf when the irrigation system is not operational. Another strategy is loading a 250-gallon tote into a utility vehicle, attaching a hose, and using that as a portable watering system. The utility vehicle can be positioned in such a way that gravity creates enough pressure in the hose to water the turf.

Even when turf isn’t growing, careful attention is necessary to ensure turf health does not suffer from desiccation. If the extended forecast indicates minimal precipitation, keep a keen eye on sod that was installed toward the end of last season.

Central Region Agronomists:

Paul Jacobs, agronomist –

Zach Nicoludis, agronomist –

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