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Traveling from Pennsylvania to Virginia last year I hardly mentioned annual bluegrass weevils (ABW). I’m not exactly sure why, and frankly, most of the superintendents I work with didn’t know either. Everyone understands the devastation ABW can cause, so it seemed like holding your breath and not jinxing it was the best solution. Now, a year later, superintendents are back on high alert.

Most of the southern portion of the region is beyond peak adult migration. Hopefully, if you planned to apply an adulticide, you’ve done that by this point. Traveling across Pennsylvania the last few weeks, I’ve observed that superintendents are well into their scouting regime. Soap flushes, traps and good ol’ knives are being used everywhere.

The next application in a sound ABW program should be a larvicide. Depending on where your course is and the product being used, that application could be out already or going out real soon. Along that line, there are some new ABW chemistries on the market. There was some experimentation with these new products last season and I heard good things but remember, it was a quiet year overall.

So, a word of caution: Try the new chemistries if you're interested but keep some of what you know on the shelf. I say this not because I’ve heard anything negative about the new products. In fact, I’m all for experimenting with new products. Even if your ABW program is working fine, new modes of action can help reduce the potential for resistance, which is a major issue in ABW control. Trying different ways of doing things is also a good way to either make positive changes or confirm that what you are doing is right. Just like all other aspects of golf course maintenance, if what you’re doing works then stick with it, but don’t be afraid to try something new.

Northeast Region Agronomists:

Adam Moeller, director, Green Section Education –

Darin Bevard, senior director, Championship Agronomy –

Elliott L. Dowling, senior consulting agronomist –

John Daniels, agronomist –

Information on the USGA’s Course Consulting Service

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