Anyone faced with writing this sort of note to friends and colleagues likely has similar feelings. Saying goodbye and hello fills me with both sorrow and excitement. I recently accepted an opportunity to transfer into the upper portion of the Northeast Region to support golf courses in New England. The exact timeline will be ironed out soon, but I will begin covering the area next spring.
I cannot give enough thanks to the countless superintendents, assistant superintendents and golfers I have met and worked alongside for nearly 10 years. I can’t imagine a more dedicated, intelligent and hardworking group than those I’ve had the pleasure of working with. It’s no wonder the mid-Atlantic states are so highly regarded in the golf community. Going forward, a USGA agronomist will always be available to meet the needs of golf courses in the mid-Atlantic so feel free to reach out.
With that, I cannot tell you how excited I am to get into a new territory and get to work. It’s not often that one gets to move from one highly regarded area to another, equally regarded area. The reputation of golf in New England precedes itself – a diverse, golf-centric region with courses suited to all tastes.
I will be reaching out to as many superintendents as possible this winter and hopefully get the opportunity to meet many of you at one of the several conferences I’ll be attending. If you have any questions beforehand, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Northeast Region Agronomists:
Adam Moeller, director, Green Section Education –
Darin Bevard, senior director, Championship Agronomy –
Elliott L. Dowling, senior consulting agronomist –