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Growing healthy putting greens starts with good soil properties. By far the most preferred growing medium is a sandy soil as it can drain rapidly, provide stability and resist compaction from concentrated foot traffic. Each year, golf course maintenance teams dedicate numerous labor hours to maintaining these desirable soil characteristics and offsetting the accumulation of soil organic matter.

There are many different philosophies when it comes to managing putting green rootzones. Some pull cores, others use solid tines, and many perform some combination of both. Regardless of which specific aeration setup is used, they all incorporate sand topdressing. It is the sand that is the most important ingredient.

The most successful golf course operations do not stop with topdressing during spring aeration. They continue to apply sand topdressing consistently throughout the summer months on 7- to 14-day intervals. More frequent applications require less sand to be applied each time to keep pace with organic matter accumulation. This light and frequent approach is favored as it is less disruptive to the putting surface and more golfer friendly. Usually, in as little as two days’ time golfers can’t even tell the greens were topdressed.

Staying consistent with your topdressing program allows you to gradually add sand over the course of the year and takes pressure off having to add all the necessary sand during the spring and fall aeration events. You will likely not have to be as intense with your tine selection during those prime golfing periods when the weather is ideal if you stay committed to a weekly routine. Just like with physical fitness, focusing on consistency over intensity is more beneficial when it comes to sand topdressing.

Northeast Region Agronomists:

Adam Moeller, director, Green Section Education –

Darin Bevard, senior director, Championship Agronomy –

Elliott L. Dowling, senior consulting agronomist –

John Daniels, agronomist –

Information on the USGA’s Course Consulting Service

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