With six USGA championships scheduled in Washington, Oregon and California, the left coast is gearing up to showcase the best golfers in the world in 2023. Throw in one championship in Arizona and two more in Colorado and the total climbs to nine in the western U.S. this year. Preparing for a USGA championship takes years of planning and hard work, so I’d like to use this opportunity to recognize the maintenance teams responsible for the great playing conditions competitors will experience.
2023 will obviously be a big USGA championship year in the West. We are excited for each of the facilities that have been gracious enough to host. We are also grateful for all the hard work that these men and their crews have already put in to get their courses ready for a national championship.
West Region Agronomists:
Brian Whitlark, senior consulting agronomist – bwhitlark@usga.org
Cory Isom, agronomist – cisom@usga.org