People often ask golf course superintendents and USGA agronomists for tips on how to control weeds in their home lawn. While some expert advice can certainly help, it’s important to start with reasonable expectations. Most yards are going to have some weeds, and that’s OK. Golf courses have weeds popping up every year even with all the tools and expertise that goes into their weed management program. The good news is that there are basic strategies any homeowner can use to keep weeds under control without spending too much time or money.
An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure
Prevention is the most important part of weed control in lawns. It’s always much harder to get rid of weeds than to keep them from appearing in the first place. Preemergence herbicides are designed to target weeds when their seeds germinate, before they have a chance to grow and get established. This preventative control makes a huge difference in how many weeds you see in your lawn. Dr. Jim Brosnan is a professor and director of the Weed Diagnostic Center at the University of Tennessee and a leading expert on turfgrass weed control. According to Brosnan, a common mistake many homeowners make is failing to correctly use preemergence herbicides in spring to control annual weeds like crabgrass. “It’s always a bit jarring to stroll through the neighborhood in late summer and find lawns riddled with crabgrass and other weeds when there are so many effective options for preemergence control available,” said Brosnan. When it comes to preemergence weed control, timing is everything. Once the weeds are above ground, it’s too late for these products to work – it’s essential that the weed barrier is in place ahead of the expected germination period.