Caption (Above):The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program and USGA will begin a five-year evaluation of warm-season grasses for putting greens. Jupiter Hills Club, Tequesta, Fla. is one of the golf course locations for the trial established in the summer of 2013.
In 2013, the
USGA collaborated with the
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program
(NTEP) to establish a new putting
green trial for warm-season grasses. The trial, which includes bermudagrass,
zoysiagrass and seashore paspalum, was planted this summer at eleven locations
across the south, southwest and Transition Zone (See Photo 2). Golf courses and
university research centers are hosting the trials, and, on monthly intervals,
university scientists and their staff will record performance data.
Trial management goals are to achieve Stimpmeter readings of 9 to 10 feet while
reducing inputs, as compared to ultradwarf bermudas. NTEP increased standard
entries, while sponsoring companies provided planting material for their
cultivars (See Table).
Funding from the USGA, and entry fees from the sponsoring companies, make the warm-season putting green trial possible.
Caption (Above): The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program and the USGA will begin a five-year evaluation of warm-season grasses for putting greens at 11 golf course and university test sites around the United States.