Let's face it; core aeration requires more time and labor than almost any other annual maintenance operation. Early September is a popular time to aerate cool-season turf throughout much of the Central Region; unfortunately, most of the seasonal summer help is long gone. Add these three items to your equipment inventory to increase efficiency during aeration:
1. Trailer - It can take a great deal of time to walk an aerator from one putting green to another. Using a utility vehicle equipped with a trailer to tow an aerator around the course reduces transport time and improves productivity. The ability to quickly move an aerator around the course also proves very useful when trying to minimize disruptions to play.
2. Core collector - An army of workers equipped with snow shovels is no longer needed to remove aeration cores from putting surfaces when a core collector is used. A single individual can do the work of many by using an aftermarket core-collecting attachment that mounts directly to an aerator.
3. Counter-rotating brush - Repeatedly dragging a mat or brush over turf to work sand into aeration holes can cause considerable bruising and abrasive stress. In contrast, a well-adjusted, counter-rotating brush can nearly fill aeration holes in just one pass. These brushes are both time savers and turf savers.
Fall play is an important source of revenue, and September golf schedules seem to get busier each year. Minimize down time and accelerate turf recovery by completely filling aeration holes with sand topdressing. Also, use the right equipment to help you work smarter, not harder.
Central Region Agronomists:
Bob Vavrek, regional director – bvavrek@usga.org
John Daniels, agronomist – jdaniels@usga.org
Zach Nicoludis, agronomist – znicoludis@usga.org
Information on the USGA’s Course Consulting Service