I recently had the pleasure of attending the North Carolina State University Turfgrass Field Day in Jackson Springs, N.C. Numerous faculty and graduate students from North Carolina State University were on hand to present the results of ongoing research projects.
In addition to the formal presentations, field days provide an opportunity to speak with professors and graduate students. Dr. Rick Brandenburg, professor of entomology, shared a few insights into emerging problems with ground pearls. Ground pearls are difficult to detect and extremely difficult to control, partially because their bodies are hydrophobic and provide protection from insecticides delivered with water. While no single application of any insecticide has demonstrated control of ground pearls, Dr. Brandenburg is testing repeat applications of insecticides mixed with fine horticultural oil or soil wetting agents.
The North Carolina State University Turfgrass Field Day is one of many field days sponsored by universities across the country. Field days provide excellent learning opportunities through presentations and discussion with experts. Make time to attend a turfgrass field day in your area and arrive early, stay late and ask plenty of questions–it is time well spent.
Southeast Region Agronomists:
Chris Hartwiger, director, USGA Course Consulting Service - chartwiger@usga.org
Steve Kammerer, regional director – skammerer@usga.org
Patrick M O’Brien, agronomist – patobrien@usga.org
Todd Lowe, agronomist – tlowe@usga.org
Information on the USGA’s Course Consulting Service