Turfgrass reduction programs are underway at numerous golf courses throughout the Southeast Region. One recent success story was at the Capital City Crabapple facility where 23-acres of native bluestem and broomsedge was established this past summer. These warm-season native grasses replaced TifSport bermudagrass rough areas. A key benefit was to enhance the course visual presentation and design, but an important added environmental value was the elimination of fertilizer and water applications to these areas.
A unique establishment program was used by the agronomic staff under the direction of Kyle Marshall, Director of Golf Course & Grounds, and Michael Studier, Superintendent. Before planting, Roundup and Fusilade herbicides were applied last fall to setback the TifSport bermudagrass. The conversion areas were then drill-seeded using a Truax machine during mid-June. This method ensured excellent seed-to-soil contact improving germination. This process reduced establishment time from years to months.
The contrast of these new native grass areas to the bermudagrass fairways and roughs is dramatic and significantly adds to the course presentation. Membership comments about these new native grass areas have been very positive.
Source: Patrick O’Brien (patobrien@usga.org)
Southeast Region Agronomists:
John H. Foy, regional director – jfoy@usga.org
Chris Hartwiger, director, USGA Course Consulting Service - chartwiger@usga.org
Patrick M O’Brien, agronomist – patobrien@usga.org
Todd Lowe, agronomist – tlowe@usga.org
Information on the USGA’s Course Consulting Service