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Robert C. Vavrek Jr.

Vavrek Picture

Regional Director 
Central Region

Vavrek is responsible for Course Consulting Service visits in the USGA Green Section’s Central Region. Other duties include writing articles for various publications and making numerous educational presentations at university turf conferences, USGA regional meetings, state and local golf association seminars, and golf course superintendent meetings. His goal since joining the Green Section is to help provide golfers with the best playing conditions possible within the budgetary constraints of a particular golf facility.

His master’s degree in turfgrass entomology from The Ohio State University explains his interest in helping golf course superintendents accurately diagnose turf-related problems and, whenever possible, reduce pesticide use through integrated pest management. His thesis research investigated the impact of insecticides on beneficial arthropods in a Kentucky bluegrass home lawn ecosystem.

Bob Vavrek lives in Waukesha, Wis. His hobbies are fishing, fly tying, and magic.