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Turfgrass Conferences Coming To A Location Near You


| Feb 27, 2015
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Turfgrass Conferences Coming To A Location Near You

By Ty McClellan, Agronomist, Mid-Continent Region
December 1, 2009

As the days get shorter and course play slows or ceases altogether with freezing temperatures and snow cover, superintendents race to prepare their courses for winter. Even though December is upon us, there is still plenty to do despite cooler conditions and decreasing rounds of golf. In the northern half of the region, final fertilizer applications are made to enhance turfgrass’ cold tolerance and speed spring green-up, fungicides are applied to control snow mold, and irrigation systems are winterized. Superintendents in the southern half of the region are doing much the same; while those with zoysiagrass or bermudagrass fairways are, as always, educating course officials about the importance of restricting cart traffic when the turf becomes dormant. With much to do in the winter months in preparation for the next season of play, grounds crews now turn much of their focus to preventative equipment maintenance, course projects, and tree maintenance.

As these important activities are underway, it also is time, once again, to gather indoors and catch up on the latest developments in the turfgrass industry by attending local and regional conferences. Appropriately, many of the conferences this winter emphasize getting back to basics in addition to providing education on how to navigate these difficult economic times. So be sure to block off some time this winter to attend your local and regional educational programs. It might even be well worth taking along a course official or two.

To learn more about conferences in your area, contact your local superintendent association or USGA Green Section office. Upcoming conferences for the upper Mid-Continent Region are as follows:

December 8-9 Missouri Green Industry Conference
  St. Charles Convention Center, St. Louis, Mo.
December 8-10 Kansas Turfgrass Conference & Trade Show
  USGA Education Session: "Golf Course Management Tips during Difficult Economic Times"—Dec. 9, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
  Kansas Expo Center, Topeka, Kan.
December 15-16 Heartland Green Industry Expo: "Common Ground"
  USGA Education Session—Dec. 16, 1-4:30 p.m.
  Overland Park Convention Center, Overland Park, Kan.
January 11-13 Nebraska Green Expo
  USGA Regional Meeting—Jan. 12, 1:30-4 p.m.
  Mid-America Center, Council Bluffs, Iowa
January 19-21 Iowa Turfgrass Conference & Trade Show
  Polk County Convention Complex & Marriott Hotel, Des Moines, Iowa
February 8-12 GCSAA Education Conference & Golf Industry Show
  USGA Green Section Education Program: "Money Talks – But Who is Listening?"—Feb. 12, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
  San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, Calif.
  Visit and
February 16-17 Gateway Green Industry Conference & Trade Show
  Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville, Ill.

If you would like more information about a Turf Advisory Service visit, do not hesitate to contact either of the Mid-Continent regional offices: Ty McClellan at or (630) 340-5853 or Bud White at or (972) 662-1138.