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Policies For the Reuse of USGA Green Section Publications

USGA Green Section publications are made available through the courtesy of the United States Golf Association (USGA®). The reuse of these materials is authorized only if the following conditions are met in their entirety. This policy applies to all Green Section publications, including articles, videos, presentations, and webcasts.

 1)      Adherence to all components of our Conditions For Reuse policy.

 2)      Inclusion of the appropriate Reprint Permission Language.

 3)      Notification of your Intent To Reprint Content.

Each of these conditions is explained below.

(1) Conditions For Reuse

These materials are made available through the courtesy of the United States Golf Association (USGA®) and are subject to the following use restrictions: No material may be used for any advertising, promotion or commercial purposes.

Unless otherwise noted, all trademarks and logos found within USGA materials are either owned by or licensed to the USGA. They may not be used without the express written permission of the USGA. 

Images of people or places displayed within USGA Green Section publications are either the property of or used with permission by the USGA. The use of these images by you, or anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by the USGA. Any unauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes, regardless of whether any such use is with the USGA's permission. Michigan State University nor The USGA neither warrants nor represents that your use of materials will not infringe rights of third parties. 

Green Section materials must be reused in their entirety without deletions or additions of content. Modification of any USGA Green Section materials (other than formatting) is a violation of the USGA's copyright and other proprietary rights and is strictly prohibited. 

Personal and noncommercial use and/or legitimate nonprofit educational uses

You may download materials to any single computer provided you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials.

For-profit entities uses

For-profit entities must abide by the conditions outlined in this document and obtain written permission from the USGA Green Section prior to any use of USGA Green Section materials (contact All copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials must be retained.

(2) Reprint Permission Language

 Any USGA Green Section material extracted from the USGA Green Section Record must include the following text, which must be printed at the beginning of the material that is being reused.

“This article is reprinted from the (month), (year), (volume), (number) of the USGA Green Section Record. Copyright United States Golf Association. All rights reserved.”

(3) Notification Of Your Intent To Reprint Content

Contact ( In your email, include your name, company name, the article title, the issue date and how the reprint will be used (for example, you plan to post the article on your Web site, include in your newsletter, or share with students), and the name of the publication in which the reprint will appear.