4.3 Time Frame for Submitting a Score

A player should submit their score as soon as possible on the day of play, after completion of their round, and before midnight (local time).

If a player does not submit their score on the day of play:

When a score is posted to the player’s scoring record after the day of play and the PCC for the day the round was played has already been performed, the PCC adjustment should still be applied to the player’s Score Differential calculation even though the player's score was not included in the PCC.

If a score is submitted out of sequence:

  • The score should be added to the player’s scoring record in the correct chronological order.
  • The published PCC adjustment for the golf course played, on the day the round was played, should be applied to the Score Differential calculation.
  • The player’s Handicap Index should be recalculated.

Note: The Handicap Committee should investigate any repeated occurrence of a player failing to submit a score in a timely manner (see Rule 7.1 Handicap Committee).

If there is no evidence that the player has acted for the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage, all scores submitted in the intervening period should stand for handicap purposes.