Q. Why are the workshops virtual this year?
A. Due to continued concerns about COVID-19, we made the decision to conduct all workshops virtually. The health and safety of participants and our instructors is of the utmost importance.
Q. How much do I have to know about the Rules to take a workshop?
A. The PGA/USGA workshops and the Introductory workshop are open to all, regardless of Rules knowledge. If you are starting your Rules journey, the Intro workshop is likely the right place to start as a PGA/USGA workshop can quickly become overwhelming.
If you are farther in the journey, a PGA/USGA workshop may be a better fit.
Q. What is the requirement for an expert PGA/USGA workshop?
A. You need to have achieved a 90 or higher on the 100-question Rules exam in the last 6 years.
Q. What is my program?
A. You can think of your program as your class. You will attend the daily webinar at the same time with the same individuals for the week of your program.
Q. Can I attend any webinar time during the week of my program?
A. No. When you sign up for your workshop program, you are signing up for that specific webinar time. For example, if you sign up for Program #21101, you are only able to attend the 12pm webinar for the week of January 4th.
Q. Can other people use my workshop registration?
A. No. Your workshop registration is for your use only. The USGA reserves the right to terminate your registration without refund if you share your login credentials or any workshop content or materials with any other person unless authorized by the USGA.
Q. Can I attend a webinar with someone else registered for the workshop?
A. Yes, provided you and your friend(s) are registered for the workshop, you can listen to the webinars together. Please remember the USGA reserves the right to terminate your registration without refund if you share your login credentials or any workshop content or materials with any other person unless authorized by the USGA.
Q. What content is covered in the intro workshop?
A. The workshop will cover the fundamentals to the Rules, including:
- Different areas of the course and the rights/restrictions in each
- Penalty relief (stroke and distance, penalty areas and unplayable ball)
- Free relief (loose impediments, abnormal course conditions and embedded ball)
- Match play v. stroke play
- Rules for competitive play
Q. How many people will be in my program?
A. For the PGA/USGA workshops, the maximum is 50 and for the Introductory workshop, it’s 75.
Q. What is Night School?
A. For both the PGA/USGA workshop and the Intro workshop, we will host live webinars of each presentations. The presentations will be done by USGA Rules staff. The PGA/USGA Night School will start in January and will run biweekly through April 2. The Intro Night School will start in February and run through March 30th.
Q. How do I access the on-demand Rules presentations?
A. You will receive an invite directly from Vimeo after registration. You can find instructions here.
Q. Can I take only the exam?
A. Yes, you can sign up to take either the 80-question exam or 100-question exam only.
Q. What is the cost of exam only?
A. The 80-question exam is $100 and the 100-question exam is $150.
Q. Is there a set date to take the exam?
A. No. The exam will be digitally proctored and you will be able to schedule a date/time that works for your schedule.
Q. What is the process for digital proctoring the Rules exam?
A. You can find all information regarding the Rules exam here.
Q. Can I transfer to another workshop?
A. Yes. You can transfer to another workshop at anytime before your workshop starts by contacting the USGA. Once your workshop starts, you are unable to transfer to another workshop.
Q. Can I withdraw from my workshop?
A. Yes, if you need to withdraw from your workshop you can do so by calling the USGA. If you withdraw within one week of registering, you get a $325 refund for