Players with Other Disabilities

These Modified Rules cover the categories of disability and associated challenges that have been identified to date as appropriate for modifying the Rules of Golf to serve the purpose of enabling players with disabilities to play on a fair basis with all other players. As is the case with the Rules of Golf generally, these Modified Rules are regularly reviewed for possible revision on a periodic basis. If Committees or players believe that other authorized modifications should be considered, they should contact the USGA.

Many players have physical limitations that may result in some degree of disability and that may affect their ability to play the game. Examples include players who are partially sighted and players who have difficulty gripping a club because of severe arthritis. The above Modified Rules do not specifically apply to such players.

However, any player may ask the Committee in charge of a competition for permission to use an artificial device, such as a brace or a gripping aid, to help with a medical condition. Under Rule 4.3b, a player is not in breach of Rule 4.3 for using equipment to help with a medical condition if the Committee finds that:

Alternatively, upon request, the USGA will review and issue a preliminary opinion, on a case-by-case basis, about whether the use of a device for medical reasons is allowed under Rule 4.3. Any player may submit a written request to the USGA for its opinion on a device he or she wishes to use for medical reasons. It remains up to the Committee to decide whether the device gives the player any unfair advantage over other players and therefore whether to allow its use or not.