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Rules of Golf
Explore the Rules of Golf
1 The Game, Player Conduct and the Rules
Principal Changes Introduced in the 2023 Rules of Golf
How to Use the Rules of Golf
1 The Game, Player Conduct and the Rules
1.1 The Game of Golf
1.2 Standards of Player Conduct
1.3 Playing by the Rules
2 The Course
2.1 Course Boundaries and Out of Bounds
2.2 Defined Areas of the Course
2.3 Objects or Conditions That Can Interfere with Play
2.4 No Play Zones
3 The Competition
3.1 Central Elements of Every Competition
3.2 Match Play
3.3 Stroke Play
4 The Player's Equipment
4.1 Clubs
4.2 Balls
4.3 Use of Equipment
5 Playing the Round
5.1 Meaning of Round
5.2 Practising on Course Before or Between Rounds
5.3 Starting and Ending Round
5.4 Playing in Groups
5.5 Practising During Round or While Play Is Stopped
5.6 Unreasonable Delay; Prompt Pace of Play
5.7 Stopping Play; Resuming Play
6 Playing a Hole
6.1 Starting Play of a Hole
6.2 Playing Ball from Teeing Area
6.3 Ball Used in Play of Hole
6.4 Order of Play When Playing Hole
6.5 Completing Play of a Hole
7 Ball Search: Finding and Identifying Ball
7.1 How to Fairly Search for Ball
7.2 How to Identify Ball
7.3 Lifting Ball to Identify It
7.4 Ball Accidentally Moved in Trying to Find or Identify It
8 Course Played as It Is Found
8.1 Player's Actions That Improve Conditions Affecting the Stroke
8.2 Player's Deliberate Actions to Alter Other Physical Conditions to Affect the Player's Own Ball at Rest or Stroke to Be Made
8.3 Player's Deliberate Actions to Alter Physical Conditions to Affect Another Player's Ball at Rest or Stroke to Be Made
9 Ball Played as It Lies; Ball at Rest Lifted or Moved
9.1 Ball Played as It Lies
9.2 Deciding Whether Ball Moved and What Caused It to Move
9.3 Ball Moved by Natural Forces
9.4 Ball Lifted or Moved by Player
9.5 Ball Lifted or Moved by Opponent in Match Play
9.6 Ball Lifted or Moved by Outside Influence
9.7 Ball-Marker Lifted or Moved
10 Preparing for and Making a Stroke; Advice and Help; Caddies
10.1 Making a Stroke
10.2 Advice and Other Help
10.3 Caddies
11 Ball in Motion Accidentally Hits Person, Animal or Object; Deliberate Actions to Affect Ball in Motion
11.1 Ball in Motion Accidentally Hits Person or Outside Influence
11.2 Ball in Motion Deliberately Deflected or Stopped by Person
11.3 Deliberately Moving Objects or Altering Conditions to Affect Ball in Motion
12 Bunkers
12.1 When Ball Is in Bunker
12.2 Playing Ball in Bunker
12.3 Specific Rules for Relief for Ball in Bunker
13 Putting Greens
13.1 Actions Allowed or Required on Putting Greens
13.2 The Flagstick
13.3 Ball Overhanging Hole
14 Procedures for Ball: Marking, Lifting and Cleaning; Replacing on Spot; Dropping in Relief Area; Playing from Wrong Place
14.1 Marking, Lifting and Cleaning Ball
14.2 Replacing Ball on Spot
14.3 Dropping Ball in Relief Area
14.4 When Player's Ball is Back in Play after Original Ball Was Out of Play
14.5 Correcting Mistake Made in Substituting, Replacing, Dropping or Placing Ball
14.6 Making Next Stroke from Where Previous Stroke Made
14.7 Playing from Wrong Place
15 Relief from Loose Impediments and Movable Obstructions (including Ball or Ball-Marker Helping or Interfering with Play)
15.1 Loose Impediments
15.2 Movable Obstructions
15.3 Ball or Ball-Marker Helping or Interfering with Play
16 Relief from Abnormal Course Conditions (Including Immovable Obstructions), Dangerous Animal Condition, Embedded Ball
16.1 Abnormal Course Conditions (Including Immovable Obstructions)
16.2 Dangerous Animal Condition
16.3 Embedded Ball
16.4 Lifting Ball to See If It Lies in Condition Where Relief Allowed
17 Penalty Areas
17.1 Options for Ball in Penalty Area
17.2 Options After Playing Ball from Penalty Area
17.3 No Relief Under Other Rules for Ball in Penalty Area
18 Stroke-and-Distance Relief; Ball Lost or Out of Bounds; Provisional Ball
18.1 Relief Under Penalty of Stroke and Distance Allowed at Any Time
18.2 Ball Lost or Out of Bounds: Stroke-and-Distance Relief Must Be Taken
18.3 Provisional Ball
19 Unplayable Ball
19.1 Player May Decide to Take Unplayable Ball Relief Anywhere Except Penalty Area
19.2 Relief Options for Unplayable Ball in General Area or on Putting Green
19.3 Relief Options for Unplayable Ball in Bunker
20 Resolving Rules Issues During Round; Rulings by Referee and Committee
20.1 Resolving Rules Issues During Round
20.2 Rulings on Issues Under the Rules
20.3 Situations Not Covered by the Rules
21 Other Forms of Individual Stroke Play and Match Play
21.1 Stableford
21.2 Maximum Score
21.3 Par/Bogey
21.4 Three-Ball Match Play
21.5 Other Forms of Playing Golf
22 Foursomes (Also Known as Alternate Shot)
22.1 Overview of Foursomes
22.2 Either Partner May Act for Side
22.3 Side Must Alternate in Making Strokes
22.4 Starting the Round
22.5 Partners May Share Clubs
22.6 Restriction on Player Standing Behind Partner When Stroke Made
23 Four-Ball
23.1 Overview of Four-Ball
23.2 Scoring in Four-Ball
23.3 When Round Starts and Ends; When Hole Is Completed
23.4 One or Both Partners May Represent the Side
23.5 Player's Actions Affecting Partner's Play
23.6 Side's Order of Play
23.7 Partners May Share Clubs
23.8 Restriction on Player Standing Behind Partner When Stroke Made
23.9 When Penalty Applies to One Partner Only or Applies to Both Partners
24 Team Competitions
24.1 Overview of Team Competitions
24.2 Terms of Team Competition
24.3 Team Captain
24.4 Advice Allowed in Team Competition
25 Modifications for Players with Disabilities
25.1 Overview
25.2 Modifications for Players Who Are Blind
25.3 Modifications for Players Who Are Amputees
25.4 Modifications for Players Who Use Assistive Mobility Devices
25.5 Modifications for Players with Intellectual Disabilities
25.6 General Provisions for All Categories of Disability
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Download the free USGA Rules of Golf app for iOS and Android for a better viewing experience.

Rule 1 - The Game, Player Conduct and the Rules

Purpose of Rule: Rule 1 introduces these central principles of the game for the player:

  • Play the course as you find it and play the ball as it lies.

  • Play by the Rules and in the spirit of the game.

  • You are responsible for applying your own penalties if you breach a Rule, so that you cannot gain any potential advantage over your opponent in match play or other players in stroke play.

1.1 The Game of Golf

Golf is played in a roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee.Round: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee. of 18 (or fewer) holes on a courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued) by striking a ball with a club.

Each hole starts with a strokeStroke: The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball.(...Continued) from the teeing areaTeeing Area: The area the player must play from in starting the hole they are playing.(...Continued) and ends when the ball is holedHoled: When a ball is at rest in the hole after a stroke and the entire ball is below the surface of the putting green.(...Continued) on the putting greenPutting Green: The area on the hole the player is playing that:(...Continued) (or when the Rules otherwise say the hole is completed).

For each strokeStroke: The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball.(...Continued), the player:

  • Plays the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued) as they find it, and

  • Plays the ball as it lies.

But there are exceptions where the Rules allow the player to alter conditions on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued) and require or allow the player to play the ball from a different place than where it lies.

1.2 Standards of Player Conduct

a. Conduct Expected of All Players

All players are expected to play in the spirit of the game by:

There is no penalty under the Rules for failing to act in this way, except that the CommitteeCommittee: The person or group in charge of the competition or the course. may disqualify a player for acting contrary to the spirit of the game if it finds that the player has committed serious misconduct.

“Serious misconduct” is player behaviour that is so far removed from what is expected in golf that the most severe sanction of removing a player from the competition is justified.

Penalties other than disqualification may be imposed for player misconduct only if those penalties are adopted as part of a Code of Conduct under Rule 1.2b.

b. Code of Conduct

The CommitteeCommittee: The person or group in charge of the competition or the course. may set its own standards of player conduct in a Code of Conduct adopted as a Local Rule.

See Committee Procedures, Section 5I  (explaining the standards of player conduct that may be adopted).

1.3 Playing by the Rules

a. Meaning of “Rules”; Terms of the Competition

The term “Rules” means:

Players are also responsible for complying with all “Terms of the Competition” adopted by the CommitteeCommittee: The person or group in charge of the competition or the course. (such as entry requirements, the form and dates of play, the number of roundsRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee. and the number and order of holes in a roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee.).

See Committee Procedures, Section 5C and Section 8  (Local Rules and full set of authorized Model Local Rules);  Section 5A  (Terms of the Competition).

b. Applying the Rules

(1) Player Responsibility for Applying the Rules. Players are responsible for applying the Rules to themselves:

(2) Accepting Player’s “Reasonable Judgment” in Determining a Location When Applying the Rules.

c. Penalties

(1) Actions Giving Rise to Penalties. A penalty applies when a breach of a Rule results from a player’s own actions or the actions of their caddieCaddie: Someone who helps a player during a round, including in these ways:(...Continued) (see Rule 10.3c).

A penalty also applies when:

(2) Levels of Penalties. Penalties are meant to cancel out any potential advantage to the player. There are three main penalty levels:

(3) No Discretion to Vary Penalties. Penalties need to be applied only as provided in the Rules:

In match playMatch Play: A form of play where a player or side plays directly against an opponent or opposing side in a head-to-head match of one or more rounds:(...Continued), the player and opponentOpponent: The person a player competes against in a match. The term opponent applies only in match play. may agree how to decide a Rules issue so long as they do not agree to ignore any Rule or penalty they know applies (see Rule 20.1b(1)).

(4) Applying Penalties to Multiple Breaches of the Rules. Whether a player gets multiple penalties for breaching multiple Rules or the same Rule multiple times depends on whether there has been an intervening event and on what the player did.

For the purpose of applying this Rule, there are two intervening events:

Penalties are applied as follows:

  • Single Penalty Applied for Multiple Breaches Between Intervening Events: If a player breaches multiple Rules or the same Rule multiple times between intervening events, the player gets only one penalty.

    If the Rules breached have different penalties, the player gets only the higher-level penalty.

  • Multiple Penalties Apply for Breaches Before and After Intervening Event: If a player breaches a Rule and then breaches the same Rule or another Rule after an intervening event, the player gets multiple penalties.

Exception – Failure to Replace a Moved Ball: If a player is required to replace a moved ball under Rule 9.4 but fails to do so and plays from a wrong placeWrong Place: Any place on the course other than where the player is required or allowed to play their ball under the Rules.(...Continued), they get only the general penalty General Penalty: Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play.  under Rule 14.7a.

But any penalty strokes a player gets for taking penalty relief (such as a one-stroke penalty under Rules 17.1, 18.1 and 19.2) are always applied in addition to any other penalties.