Education and training are essential components to creating programs and events for Minor Athletes that are supportive, safe, and free from emotional, physical and sexual abuse and misconduct.
The USGA Safeguarding Program includes mandatory SafeSport training for Adult Participants and encourages voluntary training for Minor Athletes and parents/guardians.
The USGA Safeguarding Program’s Education and Training component includes access to courses offered by the U.S. Center for Safe Sport. As set out in the Education and Training Policy, Adult Participants as identified in the Policy are required to complete SafeSport Trained Core course and subsequent refresher courses. USGA also offers voluntary training to Minor Athletes and parents/guardians on the prevention and reporting of child abuse. In addition, while not required, USGA encourages training for adults serving in a volunteer capacity at any USGA event or program who will not have regular contact or authority over Minor Athletes to take the U.S. Center for Safe Sport’s Volunteer course or SafeSport Trained Core course before engaging or interacting with any Minor Athlete. For more information, please see the Education & Training Policy. For all information see the USGA Safeguarding Program Policies.