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Does the USGA still support turfgrass and environmental research?


| Feb 27, 2015

The recent economic recession has led some to believe that the USGA no longer supports turfgrass and environmental research. Not only does the USGA continue to support research, it provides more than a million dollars annually for 50 to 70 projects at land grant universities across the U.S. Since 1920, the USGA has provided $40 million for turfgrass and enviro nmental research!

   April 04. 2014 - 1 

Through the research program, the USGA provides a wealth of information on water conservation, the fate of agricultural chemicals, landscape restoration methods, and management of wildlife habitat on golf course property. New turfgrasses with improved tolerance to cold, heat, drought, and salinity are continually under development at funded universities. Integrated turfgrass management research improves the efficient use of natural resources, products, and cultural practices. University field-testing provides valuable information on new products and cultivars to help make wise purchasing decisions. Information about USGA research projects is on the Course Care website, Golf’s Use of Water Resource Center , Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online , allied association publications, and scientific journals.

Golfers have come to expect playing conditions that only a few years ago would have seemed impossible, and through continued research, the USGA will continue to find more efficient and sustainable methods to meet golfer expectations.
  April 04. 2014 - 2

  April 04. 2014 - 3

Source:  Mike Kenna ( )

Information on the USGA’s Turfgrass and Environmental Research

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