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Does Your Chemical Storage
Facility Make The Grade?

By John Daniels, agronomist, Central Region

| Feb 16, 2016

Use shelving to keep areas free of clutter, reduce the potential for contamination and protect investments.

The combination of snow cover and cold temperatures throughout much of the Midwest has limited many golf course maintenance activities – with the exception of an occasional plowing and shoveling – to indoor tasks within the confines of the turf care facility. Farther south, many golf courses are trying to wrap up any remaining course-improvement projects like tree maintenance. With the 2016 golf season on the horizon, now is a good time to review your facility's pesticide storage building and ensure all products are well-organized and in appropriate condition.

Proper pesticide storage not only reduces the likelihood of accidental spills but also improves operational efficiency during the mixing and loading process. A pesticide storage area should create a suitable environment for pesticides to retain their performance abilities while also protecting the environment.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Inspect all containers for leaks or other damage
  • Keep products off the floor
  • Place dry formulations above liquid formulations
  • Properly discard empty containers
  • Utilize secondary containment bins for greater security
  • Group similar pesticides together for easier identification
  • Make sure all containers are properly labeled
  • Ensure your spill-containment kit is up-to-date
  • Create a current inventory of all products and respective quantities
  • Confirm Material Safety Data Sheets are easily accessible and current
  • Test ventilation, heating and lighting systems


Always consult with local and state regulatory agencies regarding specific storage requirements. Remember to follow manufacturer directions listed on the label.


For more information on proper chemical storage please review:

Chemical Storage Upgrades

What Makes a Good Maintenance Facility?

I Know We Don’t Have the Money, but Can We Afford NOT to Invest in a New Maintenance Facility?


Central Region Agronomists:

Bob Vavrek, regional director –

John Daniels, agronomist –


Information on the USGA’s Course Consulting Service 

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