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Create A Roller Guide To Reduce Wear Injury

By Dave Oatis, regional director, Northeast Region

| Jun 21, 2019
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Creating guides for rolling greens makes it easy to communicate site-specific adjustments to operators. This can reduce wear injury and improve overall playability.

  • Wear problems on putting greens are common and can be caused by traffic from golfers and maintenance practices such as mowing and rolling.
  • Adjusting practices on a green-to-green basis can improve the performance of individual greens tremendously.
  • Superintendent Ryan Tuxhorn developed a roller guide with specific instructions for each putting green that can be adjusted daily.
  • Waterproof binders with laminated overhead images of each green are placed with the rollers.
  • The binders contain information about the current rolling direction and a dry-erase marker is used to identify areas of specific greens that should be avoided.

Wear problems on putting greens are common and can be caused by traffic from golfers and traffic from maintenance practices such as mowing and rolling. Greens vary significantly in their susceptibility to wear based on a host of variables. Severely contoured putting greens can be especially susceptible, particularly when they are small, shaded or intensively maintained. Having the ability to adjust management practices on a green-to-green basis is important and can improve the performance of individual greens tremendously.

Somerset Hills Country Club in Bernardsville, New Jersey, has severely contoured greens and rollers were causing wear in specific areas of certain greens. Due to the contours, some can only be mowed and rolled in certain directions. Superintendent Ryan Tuxhorn developed an easily adjustable guide with specific rolling instructions for each putting green so that roller operators can change practices regularly based on turfgrass health.

Overhead images of every green were obtained from Google Earth, laminated and placed in a three-ring binder. Specific instructions for rolling each green are written on the laminated pictures with dry-erase pens and adjusted as necessary. The information includes the best direction to roll and identifies areas that should be avoided. Somerset Hills generally uses two roller operators, so two binders were produced for the two basic rolling directions (6:00 – 12:00 and 3:00 – 9:00) for each operator.


A dry-erase marker is used to identify areas that should be avoided.

The roller guides are color coded by rolling direction, waterproof and are kept with each roller. Operators are instructed to check the guide when they arrive at each green so the specific directions for that green can be followed.

The roller guides provide clear information for operators and minimizes chances of miscommunication and keeps the operators informed as to what rolling adjustments must be made to preserve turfgrass health. They are an especially valuable tool for courses where roller operators change on a regular basis.

The roller guides save time and have streamlined communication between managers and the roller operators. Making site-specific adjustments to rolling operations has improved putting green performance by minimizing wear problems. Creating these guides proved to be a simple and inexpensive means of improving putting green turf performance.


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