Appendix B: Player’s Scoring Record
Three sample scoring records are presented to demonstrate the information that should be contained within different versions.
| (i)
General Version. Accessible by the Handicap Committee and all players within a golf club in countries where peer review is required for the certification of scores. This record will display basic details of the 20 most recent scores, as well as the 5 scores most recently replaced within the 20-score set. |
| (ii)
Condensed Version.
Accessible by the Handicap Committee and players in countries where peer review is required for the certification of scores. This record is the same as the General Version but, given its wider availability, it omits reference to the day the round was played and the golf course played for data privacy reasons. |
| (iii)
Full Version.For reference by the player to whom the record belongs, the Handicap Committee and those involved in dispute resolution, and which can be used to support all aspects of the World Handicap System. The scoring record will contain full details of the most recent 20 scores, as well as the 5 scores most recently replaced within the 20-score set. It will also provide an option to link to the player’s full, backdated scoring record history.

Notes: Many data fields may be automated by the handicap computation service. The home club (recognized for handicap management purposes) can be automatically populated from the player’s identification number or name. The current Handicap Index can be automatically populated from the last calculated Handicap Index. Date Submitted – can default to the current day the score is being submitted and posted into the scoring record, with a choice to change where appropriate. The course database (held either locally or centrally) may provide automatic entries for: State/Country; Course Rating; Slope Rating; par and Course Rating minus par calculations. **If required, score type designation(s) should be determined by the Authorized Association and can be used to help identify the format of play, where a round was played and other details about the round. This is primarily to assist with the Handicap Committee review process but can also ensure that the Rules of Handicapping are applied correctly. Examples of how scores might be designated include: Type of Play: Competition; General play; 9-hole round (N) Format of Play:Stroke play; Match play Where round was played: Home; Away When hole not played: Not Played (X) Other details:Incomplete round; Exceptional score; Penalty score ***Where hole-by-hole score entry is in use, applicable adjustments to the gross score can be automatically applied. If hole-by-hole scoring is not in use, the adjusted gross score will need to be calculated and recorded manually. The Course Handicap can be automatically calculated using the player’s Handicap Index, the Course Rating, the Slope Rating and the par of the tees played. Adjusted gross score(s) can be calculated automatically. ****Stableford Points and Par/Bogey results can be calculated automatically where hole-by-hole score entry is in use; otherwise they will need to be manually entered as total points/result. Any selected end-of-process adjustments, such as exceptional scores and/or adjustments applied by the Handicap Committee, can be automatically applied to calculate the final adjusted Handicap Index.
Where fields cannot be populated automatically, they need to be populated manually when entering scores into the system. |