Starting ProceduresRules Notebook: Amateur Championships
Officials assisting with starting are responsible for ensuring that players start at the time specified by the Committee and that scorecards and special notices are distributed to the players.
Officials should:
A. Wear USGA jacket unless the Championship Director has indicated otherwise.
B. Arrive at the appropriate starting tee 20-30 minutes prior to the first tee time.
C. Ensure that the starter’s box contains all the necessary materials and paperwork.
D. Starter’s box should contain:
- Atomic Clock
- Course Evacuation Procedure
- Golf Course Scorecards
- Hole Location Sheets
- Notice to Players and USGA “Hard Card”
- Pace of Play Policy
- Pairings and Tee Times
- Pencils and Permanent Markers
- Scorecards (Official) and extra scorecards
- Tees
Other items that may be needed in the starting area include:
- PA System
- Trash Box
E. Make sure all equipment is set up. Please call the USGA Office if something is not set up when you arrive.
F. If play is delayed while tee times are in progress, maintain time records on the pairings sheet. Additionally, please notify the Championship Director, Pace of Play (POP) Administrator, POP Checkpoints, and Scoring of any delays.
G. Inform Championship Director and POP Administrator when the last group has teed off.
H. Procedures to follow for starting:
- Review the Notice to Players. If you have any questions, please call the Championship Director prior to starting players.
- The atomic clock is the official time. Start each group exactly at the time indicated on the pairings. Do not start any group prior to the scheduled time. Begin announcing a group so that the first player will go forward to play their ball at the group’s tee time.
- Do not delay a group because a player is late in appearing for their tee time. All players in a group must be present and ready to play at the time specified by the Committee. The order of play is irrelevant.
- Four-Ball Stroke Play:
- A side may be represented by either partner for all or any part of a round.
- If a player(s) has not arrived at the tee before their scheduled time, please refer to the document “Late to the Tee” Procedure.
- In stroke play, introduce yourself and the Referee
- (If applicable). In match play, introduce yourself, the Referee, Observer, walking scorer and the standard bearer to the players.
- Give each player a Hole Location Sheet for the day and the Notice to Players and point out the location of the Evacuation Policy and USGA Hard Card. Notify players of any new items on an updated Notice to Players.
- Remind each player to mark and identify their golf ball to opponent(s) or other players in the group in stroke play.
- Remind each player to count their clubs before they start.
- In stroke play, give an overview (briefly) of the Pace of Play Policy to the players as you hand out the scorecards:
- Point out the time on the scorecards.
- Point out the checkpoint holes (they are shaded on the card).
- Explain the need to be at a checkpoint by the designated time or no later than 14 minutes behind the group in front of them (i.e., keep up with the group in front).Tell players the following:
- They may ask to have their group monitored at any time.
- The hole completion time is when the flagstick is put into the hole or the last player has lifted their ball from the hole.
- The review process will take place in scoring.
- In stroke play, encourage players to play ‘ready golf’ in a safe and responsible way (Rule 6.4).
- Give the players/caddies the official time so they may synchronize their watches.
- In stroke play, the player does not receive their own scorecard. Player 1 keeps Player 2, Player 2 keeps Player 3 and Player 3 keeps Player 1. This is the procedure we would like followed.
- Communicate to the Championship Director, POP Administrator, POP Checkpoints, and Scoring any delays in tee times. If delays are expected for multiple, consecutive groups, delay times can be announced every 2 to 3 groups. Delays should be communicated in a “+ minutes” manner. Example: “Group No. 7, the 9 a.m. tee time started +2.”
- Four-Ball Stroke Play:
- In match play, give the match scorecard to the Referee.
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The following is the procedure that is to be followed by a starter who is missing a player(s) on the starting tee:
- At a point three minutes prior to the group’s tee time, the starter will get on the radio and announce, “Group No. 7, the 9 a.m. tee time on hole No. 1, we have three minutes to go and I’m missing Kevin Smith.”
- Four-Ball Competition: “… I’m missing Kevin Smith but their partner is present.”
- At a point one minute prior to the group’s tee time, this message is repeated over the radio and the starter should ask that the radio be kept “clear” of all traffic for the next 60 seconds. At this point, the starter should also inform the other players or opponent(s) that 60 seconds remain.
- At a point 30 seconds prior to the group’s tee time, this message is repeated over the radio. At this point, the starter should also inform the other players) or opponent(s) that 30 seconds remain.
- At a point 10 seconds prior to the group’s tee time, the starter counts down each second over the radio and to the other players or opponent(s), then says over the radio and to the other players, “Kevin Smith is late to the tee. Play away please.”
If a player is “found” by another member of the Committee, that should be communicated on the radio. Please use good radio etiquette and keep the radio clear of all other communications.
The player must be directed to get to their starting tee as soon as possible to avoid a penalty. The player may be transported by anyone and in any type of vehicle.
If a player arrives to the tee prior to the group’s tee time, the starter must communicate that fact on the radio as follows: “Group No. 7, the 9 a.m. tee time on hole No. 1, is now complete.” If the player arrives at the tee after the group’s tee time, the Rover – not the starter – will handle the application of the penalty, including communicating with the player’s marker. If the group starts late as a result of this issue, the starter must communicate this on the radio to all Rovers and Checkpoint officials.
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Note: Begin announcing a group so that the first player will go forward to play their ball at the group’s tee time (not earlier). The full name of the player should be used each time, without titles (i.e., Mr. or Ms.).
Past Champions: If a player is a past USGA champion, then an attribution of such will be added to the Starter's Script for the player for all rounds. The attribution will be different depending on the championship(s) won and the championship being conducted.
Stroke Play Script:
Before First Group of Each Wave:
“Good morning/afternoon, welcome to stroke play round (1 or 2) of the (Number) (Championship Name), conducted by the United States Golf Association and hosted by (Host Club).”
For the First Group of Each Wave and Following Groups (Note that the Referee or Observer is not announced):
“This is the (Time) tee time; please welcome from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name)
if the player does not begin, please add “play away please.”
From (City, State, or Country), (Player Name),
And from (City, State, or C,/ountry), (Player Name).”
Match Play Script:
Before First Match of Each Round (Rounds 1 - Semifinals):
“Good morning/afternoon, welcome to the Match Play (Round of 64, Round of 32 or Round of 16 , Quarterfinals, or Semifinals) of the (Number) (Championship Name) , conducted by the United States Golf Association and hosted by (Host Club).”
For the First Match of Each Round and all Following Matches:
“This is the (Time) match; please welcome from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), (pause) and from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name).” – “The Referee for this match is (Name of Referee).”
Note – Only the Referee is to be announced (i.e., the Observer is not announced).
“(First Player) has the honour. Play away, please.”
Before Final Match:
“Good morning/afternoon, welcome to the Championship Match of the (Number) (Championship Name), conducted by the United States Golf Association and hosted by (Host Club).
(Total # entered in Championship) players entered this year’s Championship, with
(Total # in Championship Proper) players competing in the championship proper.
After 36 holes of Stroke Play, the low 64 players began match play, and each player competing in today’s (18- or 36-) hole Championship Match has won five matches in order to advance to this point.
Please welcome the players;
From (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), (pause) and
From (City, State, or Country), (Player Name).
The Referee for the match is (Name of Referee).”
Note – Only the Referee is to be announced (i.e., the Observer is not announced).
“(First Player) has the honour. Play away, please.”
Before Second 18 Holes of 36-Hole Championship Match:
“Good morning/afternoon, this is the continuation of the 36-hole Championship Match of the (Number) (Championship Name), conducted by the United States Golf Association and hosted by (Host Club). Please welcome the players;
From (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), (pause) and
from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name).
The Referee for the match is (Name of Referee).”
Note – Only the Referee is to be announced (i.e., the Observer is not announced).
“At the conclusion of the first 18 holes,
(a) (Player Name) (so many) up.” OR
(Player Name) has the honor. Play away please.”
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Note: Begin announcing a group so that the first player will go forward to play their ball at the group’s tee time (not earlier). The full name of the player should be used each time, without titles (i.e., Mr. or Ms.).
Past Champions: If a player is a past USGA champion, then an attribution of such will be added to the Starter's Script for the player for all rounds. The attribution will be different depending on the championship(s) won and the championship being conducted.
Stroke Play Script:
Before First Group of Each Wave:
“Good morning/afternoon, welcome to the stroke play round (1 or 2) of the (Number) (Championship Name), conducted by the United States Golf Association and hosted by (Host Club).”
For the First Group of Each Wave and Following Groups
(Note that the Referee or Observer is not announced):
“This is the (Time) tee time; please welcome
From (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), and their partner
from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), play away please.
From (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), and their partner,
from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name).”
Match Play Script
Before First Match of Each Round (Rounds 1-Semifinals):
“Good morning/afternoon, welcome to the Match Play (Round of 32 or Round of 16 , Quarterfinals, or Semifinals), of the (Number) (Championship Name), conducted by the United States Golf Association and hosted by (Host Club).”
For the First Match of Each Round and all Following Matches:
“This is the (Time) match; please welcome from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), and their partner
from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), (pause) and
from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), and their partner
from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name).
The Referee for the match is (Name of Referee).”
Note – Only the Referee is to be announced (i.e., the Observer is not announced).
“(Last Name Player 1) and (Last Name Player 2), has the honor. Play away, please.”
Before Final Match:
“Good morning/afternoon, welcome to the Championship Match of the (Number) (Championship Name), conducted by the United States Golf Association and hosted by (Host Club).”
“(Total # entered in Championship), sides entered this year’s championship, with
(Total # in Championship Proper), sides competing in the championship proper. After 36 holes of stroke play, the low 32 sides began match play, and each side competing in today’s 18-hole Championship Match has won four matches in order to advance to this point.”
“Please welcome the players;
From (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), and their partner
from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), (pause) and
From (City, State, or Country), (Player Name), and their partner
from (City, State, or Country), (Player Name).
The Referee for the match is (Name of Referee).”
Note – Only the Referee is to be announced (i.e., the Observer is not announced).
“ (Last Name Player 1) and (Last Name Player 2) ,
has the honor. Play away, please.”
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When play resumes after a suspension, the starter will announce the following:
Stroke Play:
“This is the originally scheduled (Time) tee time; please welcome
from (City, State, or Country) , (Player Name) ,
play away please
from (City, State, or Country) , (Player Name) , from (City, State, or Country) , (Player Name) .”
Match Play:
“This is the originally scheduled (Time) match; please welcome
from (City, State, or Country) , (Player Name) , (pause) and
from (City, State, or Country) , (Player Name) .”
Note – This only applies when there has been an official suspension or delay due to weather, fog, darkness, etc. This procedure does not apply when play is delayed due to another reason such as a ruling on the starting hole or a match going to extra holes.
Only if new pairings and tee times have been printed will the starter announce the new tee time.
(i.e. search of lost ball on first hole delays the start of the following group)
If play is delayed while tee times are in progress, the Starter shall maintain time records on the Tee Times sheet. Each delay should be announced over the radio to the Rules Committee following the group playing from the tee.
“This is XXX on the 10TH tee, I have a tee time adjustment” (wait a few seconds) “To all Referees and Rovers - Group #12, the 7:40 tee time is plus 2. Repeat, Group #12, the 7:40 tee time is plus 2.” This adjustment will be confirmed by scoring and/or the Pace of Play Administrator.
The starter should make an effort to gradually work their way back to the original tee times (i.e. gaining the minutes back) with the following groups unless you hear from the Championship Director regarding maintaining the delay consistent with the following groups (i.e. all groups will remain plus 2).