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Contact Us

Be sure to check our extensive collection of Frequently Asked Questions to get the fastest answer to your question. If you can't find your answer there, contact us by emailing us with your e-mail address, name, address and question.

Why do we require a mailing address and phone?
Through an agreement with the R & A of St. Andrews, Scotland, the Rules jurisdiction of the USGA includes only the United States, its territories, and Mexico. Therefore, we are unable to answer questions posed from outside this geographic area. If you are outside this jurisdiction, please forward your questions to the R&A. If you are located in Canada, please direct your inquiry to Golf Canada. Additionally, in the event of problems with the delivery of an e-mail message, the USGA will respond via telephone or U.S. mail. The USGA does not use this information for any other purpose.

Email your Rules question

* Mailing Address & Phone Number Required

Rules and Amateur Status Contact Information

Individuals with questions specific to the Rules of Golf or the Rules of Amateur Status, please contact us as follows:

Phone: 908-326-1850
Fax: 908-234-9687
For all other inquiries, please use the USGA's main number: 908-234-2300.

Mailing Address
The United States Golf Association
77 Liberty Corner Rd.
Liberty Corner, NJ 07938