2019 U.S. Open: Volunteer Timeline
February 2018
Volunteer registration begins (all payments by check are due within 30 days of registration)
August 2018
Volunteer committee assignments sent to volunteers
November 2018
Availability Forms sent to volunteers
December 2018
Availability Forms due to the Championship Office
April 2019
USGA emails volunteer schedules and training information
USGA mails volunteer apparel to shipping address
Volunteer photos for credentials due to the Championship Office
Based on committee assignment, criminal history backgrounds check and/or motor vehicle record check due to the Championship Office
May 2019
Volunteer training sessions (Credential packet pick-up will be at training)
June 2019
Volunteer training sessions (Credential packet pick-up will be at training)
June 10-16, 2019: 119th U.S. Open Championship