cthompston@usga.org | 908-396-1562 | Based in Pinehurst, NC
Dr. Cole Thompson oversees Green Section research initiatives to advance sustainable golf course management and improve playing conditions and golfer experience. Specific programs include the Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management and the USGA’s 15/30/45 water conservation initiative. Cole determines short- and long-term research priorities, solicits and evaluates research proposals, supports cooperative research funding opportunities with federal agencies and industry, and coordinates with USGA-supported scientists to monitor the progress of current research.
Cole earned a B.S. in agriculture and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in horticulture from Kansas State University. He was a USGA Green Section intern and worked as an assistant golf course superintendent before entering graduate school. Before joining the USGA in 2018, Cole held faculty positions at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and at Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo.