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Virtual Introductory Rules of Golf Workshop Fact Sheet


Day 1: Introduction, The Five Areas of the Course, Play the Ball as You Find It, Teeing Area, Putting Green, Bunkers, Penalty Area

Day 2: Loose Impediments and Movable Obstructions, Abnormal Course Conditions, Dangerous Animal Condition and Embedded Ball, Dropping, Unplayable Ball, Ball Lost or Out of Bounds, Match Play v. Stroke Play, Rules You Need to Know for Competitive Play




The USGA will take attendance for each webinar session during the week of your workshop. Please be sure to be prompt, as the webinar will begin exactly at the appointed time.

PGA of America members must enter their PGA eight-digit member number (not their workshop student number) during registration and attend the webinars in their entirety to be credited with Member Service Requirement hours.  No partial credit is given by the PGA of America.




If you are unable to attend the workshop for the program with which you have registered, you may transfer to another open program on the 2021 workshop schedule:

  • No charge: Prior to the start date of the workshop you are transferring from. This can be done by contacting the USGA.

Due to the virtual nature of the workshops, after the workshop has started you are unable to transfer to another workshop.




If you need to withdraw from a workshop and you are not able to attend another workshop on the 2021 workshop schedule, you can request a refund as follows:

  • $75 refund: If done within one week of registering. This can be done by contacting the USGA.

Due to the virtual nature of the workshops, there are no refunds if you withdraw after 1 week from registration or after the active program week occurs.




The study materials available for this workshop are:

  • Resources on the USGA website, including the Rules of Golf ( – The USGA website has an array of videos, infographics, papers, charts, answers to FAQs and quizzes on the 2019 Rules of Golf.

  • – a website created by Rules expert Dr. Lewis Blakey. It contains essays on a variety of Rules topics, study aids, Rules quizzes and more. It is available at




- Introductory Workshop Schedule
- Instructor Bios
- FAQs on Virtual Workshops