Q: In the definition of Handicap Committee, it states that an employee may not serve as Handicap Chairperson. Is the owner of a golf club, an employee of a third party that assists in the operation of a golf club, or an employee of a municipality that owns/operates a golf course considered an employee?
A: In each of these cases, as well as that of a club professional, the person referenced is in a position where pleasing club members is a key responsibility. This makes it difficult for such a person to play an impartial role. These "employees" are not eligible to chair the Handicap Committee of a golf club where they are "employed."
Q: A company that organizes or operates a golf club pays its Handicap Chairperson. Is this permissible?
A: No. Any individual that receives payment or compensation for performing the duties of a member of the Handicap Committee, including the Handicap Chairperson, is deemed to be an employee and as such is not eligible to serve as the Handicap Chairperson. Compensation or what the USGA considers the equivalent to compensation, puts someone in a position to act like an employee, similar to Decision 8-1/1. This includes, but is not limited to compensation based on a percentage of revenue, paying travel expenses, deriving financial benefit from increased usage of a course, commissions, incentives, etc. A Handicap Chairperson or Committee member may receive a nominal benefit for services rendered, such as waiving the annual membership fee, annual green fees or complimentary use of the club's practice facilities.
Q: The date on which a club receives a revised Handicap Index list from its computation service varies from month-to-month. For example, earlier this season, a revised Handicap Index list was received three days prior to the next revision, whereas the next month it was received one day prior. May the club post the revised Handicap Index list immediately on receipt or according to the revision schedule?
A: A revised Handicap Index list should be posted on the revision date. The period of time a revised Handicap Index list is held before it is posted should be minimized through coordination with the computation service.
Q: A club wishes to adopt a regulation under which there would be a limit on the most a player's Handicap Index would be allowed to increase from one revision date to the next. Is the club entitled to adopt such a regulation?
A: No.
Q: A player with a Handicap Index of 11.1 discontinued play due to an injury. The player has started to play again, but due to recovery from injury, the player's three latest scores have been 104, 100, and 102. May the player receive a special adjustment while recovering?
A: The player is entitled to a special adjustment under Section 8-4c(iii). The player should be assigned a modified Handicap Index (M) to reflect current ability, as needed during the temporary injury, and it must be identified by the letter "M" to indicate that it has been modified by the club Handicap Committee. (REVISED)
Q: Two players have suffered extreme physical injuries. Player A is able to resume playing golf after not being able to play for many months. Player B does not have a previous scoring record. Player A will not ever be able to play to the Handicap Index established before the injury and Player B did not have a Handicap Index. May these players be entitled to a special adjustment?
A: The club Handicap Committee may discard the Player A's previous scoring record and provide Player A with a modified Handicap Index (M) for use until five scores have been returned to establish a new Handicap Index. Player B must post five scores to establish a Handicap Index. (REVISED)
Q: Almost every year, a player scores very well (or poorly) during a certain season in comparison to the previous season and the player's Handicap Index changes. The player suggests that this change in scoring is the result of seasonal changes in course conditions. May the Handicap Committee make an adjustment to the player's Handicap Index for this reason?
A: Yes. Changing course conditions by themselves, do not influence a player's potential ability and should not result in a change to a Handicap Index. If the Handicap Committee believes that the player's potential ability is different than the Handicap Index calculated from scores, it is authorized to adjust the player's Handicap Index.
If this sort of change in scoring is widespread because of changes in course conditions and the Handicap Committee believes it is not practical to maintain course difficulty consistent with its ratings it should consider suspending posting, but must obtain approval from the Authorized Golf Association that issued its Ratings if this suspension is to be for an extended period of time.