
Examples of Rulings in Four-Ball Stroke Play with Concurrent Individual Competition

When competitors are involved in concurrent stroke-play competitions, whenever possible the Rules are applied only to the competition affected. When it is not possible to separate the competitions, the four-ball competition takes precedence. The exception to that is with Rule 8-1 (Advice), as the two partners may not exchange advice if both are playing in the individual competition; if just one of them is playing in the individual competition, they may exchange advice.

A and B are partners in four-ball stroke play, and they are concurrently playing in an individual stroke-play competition. The following are examples of the application of the Rules in such a format:

(1) B moves A's ball without authority under the Rules. In the four-ball competition A incurs a penalty stroke (Rule 18-2), but he incurs no penalty in the individual competition. B incurs no penalty in either competition.

(2) On the 3rd hole it is discovered that B started his round with 15 clubs. In the four-ball competition Side A-B incurs a total penalty of four strokes (two strokes on each of the first two holes), but A incurs no penalty in the individual competition. B incurs a total penalty of four strokes in the individual competition.

(3) During the round B makes a stroke at a non-conforming ball. In the four-ball competition Side A-B is disqualified (Rules 5-1 and 31-7a), but A incurs no penalty in the individual competition. B is disqualified from the individual competition.

Other Decisions related to Rule 31: See "Four-Ball Stroke Play" in the Index.



Absent Player Joins Partner After Fellow-Competitor Plays from Teeing Ground But Before Partner Plays

Q.In four-ball stroke play, A and B are playing with C and D. They have been given a starting time of 9:00 am. D arrives at 9:01 am after A has played but before B and C have played. May D play the first hole?

A.D was late for his starting time and as such, D may play the first hole, adding the penalty of two strokes prescribed by Rule 6-3a to his score for that hole. Rule 31-2 allows an absent player to join his partner before his partner has commenced play of a hole. As C had not yet played from the teeing ground, D may join him.

If D did not arrive until later in the round, he would be able to join his partner between holes without penalty, provided C had not yet played from the next tee, regardless of whether A and/or B had played.



Gross Score of Partner with Better Net Score Omitted from Score Card

Q.In four-ball stroke play on a handicap basis, partners A and B both holed out in 4 at the 8th hole; partner A did not receive a handicap stroke at the hole, but partner B did. The marker, who was a fellow-competitor, recorded a gross score of 4 for A, who did not receive a stroke, and no gross score for B. However, the marker also recorded a net 3 in the better-ball column.

On completion of the round, the score card, in all other respects correct, was signed and returned to the Committee. Both the marker and the partners were interviewed, and it was established that in fact both partners had gross scores of 4 at the 8th hole. What is the ruling?

A.Under Rules 6-6b and 31-3, it was the responsibility of one of the partners to check the side's better-ball gross score for each hole before signing the score card.

When checking the score card, the partner concerned should have noticed that there was no gross score recorded for B at the 8th hole and should have corrected this mistake. As he did not do so, A's gross 4 was the side's score for the hole. It is the responsibility of the Committee - and not the competitor - to record the better-ball net score for each hole.

Related Decision:

- 6-6d/1 No Score Entered for One Hole But Total Correct.



Player Waives Turn to Play; Circumstances Under Which He May Complete Hole

Q.A and B are partners in four-ball stroke play. A's tee shot at a par-3 entirely over water comes to rest in the water hazard. As B's tee shot comes to rest on the putting green, A elects not to play a ball under Rule 26-1 and proceeds to the green. B four putts and scores 5 for the hole. May A return to the tee and put another ball into play under Rule 26-1?

A.Yes. However, he may be subject to penalty under Rule 6-7 for unduly delaying play.

Related Decision:

- 30-3b/2 Waiving Turn to Putt in Four-Ball Match.


Extent to Which Side May Play in Order It Considers Best

Rule 31-4, which is an exception to Rule 10-2 (Order of Play), permits a side to play in the order it considers best. Generally, a side will exercise its right under Rule 31-4 for strategic reasons. However, in doing so, the side must not unduly delay play (Rule 6-7).

The following are examples of a side (competitors A and B) playing in an order other than that set forth in Rule 10-2b and whether a penalty under Rule 6-7 would be appropriate:

(a) A's ball is on the putting green five feet from the hole and he plays before B, whose ball is on the putting green 20 feet from the hole - no penalty.

(b) A's ball is in an awkward lie in a hazard 30 yards from the hole and he plays before B, whose ball is in the fairway 50 yards from the hole - no penalty.

(c) A's ball is 220 yards from the hole on a par-5 hole and he plays his second stroke before B, whose ball is 240 yards from the hole, plays - no penalty.

(d) In situation (c) above, A's ball comes to rest 30 yards from the green. The side then elects to have A play his third stroke before B plays his second stroke - B is penalized two strokes for a breach of Rule 6-7.



Incorrect Score on Hole Returned in Four-Ball Stroke Play Discovered Prior to Close of Competition

In four-ball stroke play, A and B are partners and return a score card with an incorrect score on the 12th hole and the error is discovered before the close of competition. The following scenarios illustrate how Rules 6-6d, 31-6 and 31-7a are to be applied:

1. A returned a score of 4 and B returned a score of 5. A actually took 5 or more strokes on the hole or failed to hole out. As A's recorded score was lower than actually taken, the side is disqualified under Rule 31-7a.

2. A returned a score of 4 and B returned a score of 5. A incurred a penalty for grounding his club in a hazard before playing his ball from the hazard and was aware of the breach before returning the score card, but failed to include it in his score for the hole. The Exception to Rule 6-6d does not apply and the side is disqualified under Rule 31-7a.

3. A returned a score of 4 and B returned a score of 5. A incurred a penalty for grounding his club in a hazard before playing his ball from the hazard but was unaware of the breach before returning the score card. The Exception to Rule 6-6d applies. As A's score was the score to count on the hole, the Committee must apply the two-stroke penalty for a breach of Rule 13-4 to A's score on that hole and, as provided in the Exception to Rule 6-6d, the additional two-stroke penalty for a breach of Rule 6-6d is also applied to A's score for that hole. Therefore, the side's score for the hole is 8. The Rules do not allow the side to revert to B's score after the score card has been returned.

4. A and B returned scores of 4. A incurred a penalty for grounding his club in a hazard before playing his ball from the hazard. As B also scored a 4 on the hole, A's failure to include the penalty in his score does not affect the result of the side's score. Accordingly, no penalty is applicable (see Decision 31-7a/1). The side's score for the hole is 4. (New).

Decisions Related to Rule 31-6:

- 4-4a/10 Breach of 14-Club Rule in Stroke Play Discovered at 8th Hole; Where Penalty Strokes Applied.

- 30-3/2 Effect of State of Match Penalties in Four-Ball Play.



Competitor Records Score for Hole Not Completed

Q.A and B are partners in four-ball stroke play. At the 10th hole, A picks up and B holes out in 5 strokes. The marker records a score of 6 for A and a score of 5 for B. The score card is returned with these scores recorded. Is any penalty incurred because A-B returned a score for A at a hole which A did not complete?

A.No. Rule 31-7a provides that a side is only in breach of Rule 6-6d, for which the penalty is disqualification of the side, when the recorded score of the partner whose score is to count is lower than actually taken. The score recorded for A was not A-B's lower score for the 10th hole. Accordingly, no penalty is applicable. (Revised)

Related Decision:

- 32-2a/1 Four-Ball Stableford Competition on Handicap Basis; Side's Scores Transposed at a Hole But Not to Side's Advantage.


Lower Gross Score Attributed to Wrong Partner

Q.A and B were partners in four-ball stroke play. At the 11th hole, A picked up and B holed out in 4 strokes. The marker inadvertently recorded a score of 4 for A.The card was returned. What is the ruling?

A.It was A's recorded score of 4 which was the side's gross score to count. As this was lower than the score actually taken by A, the side is disqualified under Rule 31-7a.

Related Decision:

- 32-2a/2 Four-Ball Stableford Competition on Handicap Basis; Side's Scores Transposed at a Hole to Side's Advantage.


Omission of Penalty on Returned Score Card Discovered Before Close of Competition; Only Partner Aware of Penalty

Q.A and B are partners in a four-ball stroke-play competition. On the 11th hole, A accidentally moved his ball in play in breach of Rule 18-2. A replaced the ball and completed the hole, but did not know that he had incurred a penalty. B witnessed the incident and knew it was a one-stroke penalty. B scored 6 on the hole and, with the one-stroke penalty included, A scored 5. The score card was returned and on the 11th hole there was a 4 for A and a 6 for B. As A did not know he had incurred a penalty, does the Exception to Rule 6-6d apply?

A.No, in four-ball stroke play, the word "competitor" includes his partner, where the context so admits - see Definition of "Competitor." Accordingly, the side is disqualified under Rule 31-7a. (New)



Competitor Lifts Loose Impediment in Bunker When His Ball and Partner's Ball Are in Bunker

Q.A and B are partners in a four-ball stroke-play competition. A's ball and B's ball are in the same bunker. A lifts a loose impediment lying in the bunker. A is penalized two strokes for a breach of Rule 13-4. Does B incur a penalty?

A.If A's infringement assisted B's play, B also is penalized two strokes (Rule 31-8). Otherwise, B incurs no penalty.

Related Decisions:

- 13-4/17 Loose Impediment Removed from Water Hazard; Player Then Decides Not to Play from Hazard.

- 30-3f/1 Player Lifts Loose Impediment in Bunker When His Ball and Partner's Ball in Bunker.